We're coming to the close of another year. Good bye 2012 and hello 2013! Some people are eager to see the year end because it hasn't been a good for them while others are anxious about what the new year will bring. Personally, I'm eager to enter 2013 because I've had such a great 2012. I'm expecting more great things to continue in the new year.
The first of each year is the time to make a fresh start. It is a time to reflect on the previous year. Looking back, I see my accomplishments and I'm proud. I think about what I wanted to do and for whatever reason, I didn't. I won't beat myself up over it. Maybe the timing wasn't right. Or maybe it wasn't something I should have done anyway. Every day didn't go my way, but I chose to be happy anyway. Unfortunate situations and disappointments happened, but they are a part of life. I didn't let this prevent me from enjoying the good experiences I had throughout the year.
God blessed me to live this year and I thank Him for it. My life is now filled with more great people. I went to some great places. I experienced some great things. I'm excited about the new year and what it will bring. I saw a lot of good things happen in 2012, but there's more to be seen in 2013.
Be blessed.
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10
Friday, December 28, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly. But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”
So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”
Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took to him his wife, and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn Son. And he called His name Jesus. Matthew 1:18-25
As we celebrate on this day, let us not forget the true reason for this season. Today, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The One who was born to save us from sin. We should not get so caught up into gift giving that we fail to remember Jesus and all He has done for us.
Celebrate Jesus with your family and friends. Extend the love of Jesus to them and others. Enjoy the real reason for this season. Celebrate Jesus.
Have A Merry Christmas!
Be blessed.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Some people think it is strange to hear that being happy is a choice. They believe the right things must happen at just the right time in order to be happy. They believe to be happy they should be free from unfortunate circumstances and unwanted situations. In other words, the belief is that happiness comes when everything is going their way. While it is true things or stuff can make people happy, they are not required for happiness.
Happiness is not something that just happens to us. We have to make the decision to be happy no matter what obstacles or circumstances come our way. It would be lovely to wake up to great occurrences every day, but this is not the case. Among good days we have bad ones as well as those that are just okay. Think about the positive people you know. They keep a smile on their face even when they go through bad situations. These people recognize and have learned that happiness is a choice.
Happiness is a choice to believe there is sunshine after the rain. It is the choice to turn negatives into positives. It is the choice to believe no matter how dark a situation appears to be, there will be light.
Choosing to be happy is not always easy. There are times in life when it is very difficult to be happy and it is natural to allow other emotions to take over. When we choose to be happy our circumstances have no control over us, we become better, stronger, and make the most of life, no matter what comes our way.
“But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.” Psalm 68:3 KJV
Be blessed.
Happiness is not something that just happens to us. We have to make the decision to be happy no matter what obstacles or circumstances come our way. It would be lovely to wake up to great occurrences every day, but this is not the case. Among good days we have bad ones as well as those that are just okay. Think about the positive people you know. They keep a smile on their face even when they go through bad situations. These people recognize and have learned that happiness is a choice.
Happiness is a choice to believe there is sunshine after the rain. It is the choice to turn negatives into positives. It is the choice to believe no matter how dark a situation appears to be, there will be light.
Choosing to be happy is not always easy. There are times in life when it is very difficult to be happy and it is natural to allow other emotions to take over. When we choose to be happy our circumstances have no control over us, we become better, stronger, and make the most of life, no matter what comes our way.
“But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.” Psalm 68:3 KJV
Be blessed.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
We know we serve an unlimited God who moves in unlimited ways. In His unlimited ways, God sometimes speaks to us and gives us messages through unlikely sources. I will share what might perhaps be an embarrassing moment to some if it happened to them, but I am not embarrassed, only appreciative for the message.
Just the other day while making candy in my kitchen, I thought to myself, "I have no counter space left and I need more room to store my kitchen gadgets." After I stirred the chocolate and placed the lid on the pot, I looked up and noticed a cabinet I did not know existed. Maybe it is not a big deal to over look a cabinet if you just moved into a new place of residence, but I have resided in my home for over 13 years! I shook my head in disbelief because I did not notice it before that day. I constantly complain about the size of my kitchen and that I need more counter and cabinet space to prepare meals and entertain. From within I heard, "Sometimes you ask for and search for things that are right under your nose and have been the entire time." I smiled and meditated on the truth of that statement.
That simple message did not come from another person, it did not come through a dream or vision, but through the realization of the existence of a kitchen cabinet. I say this only to give a simple message. God will use anyone or anything to give you a message. Do not miss His message because it is not sent through who you expect or delivered in a way you expect.
Be blessed.
Just the other day while making candy in my kitchen, I thought to myself, "I have no counter space left and I need more room to store my kitchen gadgets." After I stirred the chocolate and placed the lid on the pot, I looked up and noticed a cabinet I did not know existed. Maybe it is not a big deal to over look a cabinet if you just moved into a new place of residence, but I have resided in my home for over 13 years! I shook my head in disbelief because I did not notice it before that day. I constantly complain about the size of my kitchen and that I need more counter and cabinet space to prepare meals and entertain. From within I heard, "Sometimes you ask for and search for things that are right under your nose and have been the entire time." I smiled and meditated on the truth of that statement.
That simple message did not come from another person, it did not come through a dream or vision, but through the realization of the existence of a kitchen cabinet. I say this only to give a simple message. God will use anyone or anything to give you a message. Do not miss His message because it is not sent through who you expect or delivered in a way you expect.
Be blessed.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
We have much to be grateful for on this day and everyday. First of all, God gave us breath. We lived to see a new day to thank Him, love our family, and to have another chance at something. The list of reasons to thank God is endless. If you have not done so, just give Him thanks.
As you share the dinner table with loved ones, thank God for the fellowship and feast. Be mindful of those who are less fortunate and say a prayer for them. Be grateful for what you have and do not waste a second complaining or dwelling on what you do not have. The things you fail to be grateful for, others are praying for God to give to them.
"Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His,
And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name." Psalm 30:4
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your holiday.
Be blessed.
As you share the dinner table with loved ones, thank God for the fellowship and feast. Be mindful of those who are less fortunate and say a prayer for them. Be grateful for what you have and do not waste a second complaining or dwelling on what you do not have. The things you fail to be grateful for, others are praying for God to give to them.
"Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His,
And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name." Psalm 30:4
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your holiday.
Be blessed.
Monday, November 19, 2012
We have good and bad days. We experience ups and downs. Problems come and go. These things are all a part of life. Some of us do not look forward to rainy days. In fact we frown upon them and delight in sunny days, perhaps not recognizing the importance of rainy days. Although not desired by many, rainy days are necessary, along with sunshine, to achieve the proper growth. The same goes for "rainy" days in life. Rainy days are tough times we go through, sometimes with little to no understanding of why or how we got there.
Difficult circumstances are not always a direct result of something we did or did not do. There will be times of testing and trials in life. Tests and trials are designed to help us grow and mature spiritually. Just like the rain is needed to promote healthy growth, tests and trials promote healthy spiritual growth.
A familiar saying is, "Trouble doesn't last always." That is true. Trouble does not last always.
No matter how dark and rainy your days appear to be right now, trust Jesus. Never let go of your faith in Him. Remember, there is sunshine after the rain.
"Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer." Romans 12:12 KJV
Be blessed.
Difficult circumstances are not always a direct result of something we did or did not do. There will be times of testing and trials in life. Tests and trials are designed to help us grow and mature spiritually. Just like the rain is needed to promote healthy growth, tests and trials promote healthy spiritual growth.
A familiar saying is, "Trouble doesn't last always." That is true. Trouble does not last always.
No matter how dark and rainy your days appear to be right now, trust Jesus. Never let go of your faith in Him. Remember, there is sunshine after the rain.
"Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer." Romans 12:12 KJV
Be blessed.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
We tend to place limits on ourselves. We limit our thinking, what we are capable of doing, or what others can do for us, including the mighty God we serve. I know we serve a limitless God who moves in unlimited ways. Standing on top of a mountain with no railing or any other objects to permit me from falling, I am reminded just how big and amazing my God truly is.
As I looked around at His beautiful creations, the sky that stretched for miles and miles and the rows of trees were never ending, I thought to myself, "I know my God has created great things, just at the spoken Word, why should I ever doubt that He is able to make my BIG dreams come true?"
No matter what you are going through or if you are wondering how your big dreams will come true, do not lose faith that God is able. Remind yourself, "I serve a mighty God and He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)".
Be blessed.
As I looked around at His beautiful creations, the sky that stretched for miles and miles and the rows of trees were never ending, I thought to myself, "I know my God has created great things, just at the spoken Word, why should I ever doubt that He is able to make my BIG dreams come true?"
No matter what you are going through or if you are wondering how your big dreams will come true, do not lose faith that God is able. Remind yourself, "I serve a mighty God and He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)".
Be blessed.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Man, whether intentional or unintentional, sometimes fails to deliver on his promises. When promises go unfulfilled they can leave one disappointed, discouraged, and cause one to develop a lack of faith in another. As men and women, we mess up. We make mistakes.
Although we mess up sometimes, the Lord always gets it right. He does not make mistakes. His promises are true. He is faithful. He never fails to deliver on His the promises He makes to each of us. It is in Him we can totally depend upon and place 100% of our trust. We might have to endure a long wait for the promise to come, but still, it comes.
Your wait may be long. Maybe your situation does not look the way you want it to look. It may appear as though things are getting worse rather than better. Always remember no matter what it looks like, the Lord delivers on His promises. The Lord will do just what He said He will do.
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promises is faithful." Hebrews 10:23
Be encouraged. Be blessed.
Although we mess up sometimes, the Lord always gets it right. He does not make mistakes. His promises are true. He is faithful. He never fails to deliver on His the promises He makes to each of us. It is in Him we can totally depend upon and place 100% of our trust. We might have to endure a long wait for the promise to come, but still, it comes.
Your wait may be long. Maybe your situation does not look the way you want it to look. It may appear as though things are getting worse rather than better. Always remember no matter what it looks like, the Lord delivers on His promises. The Lord will do just what He said He will do.
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promises is faithful." Hebrews 10:23
Be encouraged. Be blessed.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12
The time of waiting for the things we hope for can cause us pain. The mind becomes uneasy and it feels as though the heart fails with each passing day when our hopes are not met. The thought of giving up comes to mind. Bitterness and anger develops in some of us. We might even begin to question God, wondering why the desires of others are granted but our own desires go unfulfilled.
Most of us find it difficult to believe the Lord is working things out for us because they cannot see what He is doing. The Lord does not often work in a way that allows us to see what He is doing. He is working behind the scenes to bring it all together. We are to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Do not lose hope. Trust the Lord. Trust His Word. Trust His promises. Yes, the thing we desire might be delayed for now, but when it comes, it will bring so much pleasure.
Be blessed.
The time of waiting for the things we hope for can cause us pain. The mind becomes uneasy and it feels as though the heart fails with each passing day when our hopes are not met. The thought of giving up comes to mind. Bitterness and anger develops in some of us. We might even begin to question God, wondering why the desires of others are granted but our own desires go unfulfilled.
Most of us find it difficult to believe the Lord is working things out for us because they cannot see what He is doing. The Lord does not often work in a way that allows us to see what He is doing. He is working behind the scenes to bring it all together. We are to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Do not lose hope. Trust the Lord. Trust His Word. Trust His promises. Yes, the thing we desire might be delayed for now, but when it comes, it will bring so much pleasure.
Be blessed.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
When we trust the Lord, we have no problem going to Him in prayer, making our requests known and then expect our prayers to be answered. This is what we should do when making supplications to the Lord, but for most of us, this is not what happens.
Are you truly expecting the Lord to answer your prayers? When we expect Him to answer, we pray, then wait for a response. Have you ever asked the Lord to give you direction but then walked away from prayer not expecting an answer? When we pray with a lack of faith, we should not be surprised when our prayers go unanswered.
“But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord” James 1:6,7
The verses above actually refer to a request for wisdom, but the same principle can be applied when we make any supplication to the Lord.
If we want the Lord to answer our prayers, we should expect Him to answer them.
“Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.” Mark 11:24
Be blessed.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Customer: "Hey. How are you
Clerk: "Bad."
Customer: "Bad day?"
Clerk: "it’s been a bad
month." She sighs.
Customer: "____ had a seizure
and she's in the hospital. She can't move."
Clerk: Her eyes grow wide. She
looks shocked. She says nothing.
Customer: "Yeah. She's in
room ___. You should go see her." He smiles as he accepts his receipt,
pushed his shopping cart, and heads toward the doors. He looks back with a
smile on his face and says, "Bye. Take care. I hope things get better."
Then she says to me, "Just
when I think I have it bad, someone always has it worse than me."
Me: "Umm hmm." I agree
with her.
After the customer left, the
clerk appeared more friendly and energetic.
The entire time they held their
conversation, I was thinking the very thing the clerk had spoken, "Someone
has it worse than me."
We all go through tough
situations in life. We should be grateful for all Jesus has done for us, even
while going through tough times. When you find yourself wanting to complain
about something that is not right in your life, just remember someone has it
worse than you do.
Be blessed.
Friday, July 27, 2012
We all get in a
rut sometimes, but if you find yourself day after day feeling down or
depressed, you might be stuck in a rut? If you have found yourself in this
place, it is time to make some changes.
You have to want to change your
life. Others can want it for you and encourage you as much as they can, but
ultimately, you have to want it for yourself. Often times, you know exactly
what you need to change in your life but might find yourself lacking the
courage to do what is needed.
Do something different. Do
something you have never done. Take a different route to work. Talk a walk in
the park instead of exercising indoors. Even a small change can be a
significant change.
Refocus. You might find yourself
stuck in a rut if you focus on the wrong things. If you look too long at the
past, you might find it hard to clearly see the present and the future. If you
are constantly looking at negatives it is hard to see and enjoy the positives.
Change your attitude. The
attitude you have in all circumstances and situations play a role in the
results you create in your life. While it is true you will experience
unexpected bumps along life’s journey, it is your choice what type of attitude
you will have as you endure them. Control your attitude. Do not let your
attitude control you.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
There are times when most of us make life harder than it is or needs to be. In
life there are lessons to be learned. You can opt to grow and become stronger
from them or remain in a rut. In order to see how blessed your life is, you
might have to take a step back from your own life and look at the lives of
those who are not as fortunate as you. It is hard to feel sorry for yourself
when someone has it much worse.
If you are stuck in a rut, it is
time to shake things up!
Be blessed.
Monday, July 16, 2012
How many times have you got up and started your day with your plans, only to have your plans change? What do you do when this happens? Do you just flow with it and trust the Lord with the change of plans or do you become frustrated or anxious?
It is easy to get upset and become worried or concerned about not completing the tasks you planned. Others might tell you not to become overly concerned regarding your change of plans because it’s only a test. The Lord wants your attention and changing your plans is one way He gets it. You must take a step back and listen to what He is saying to you.
The Lord constantly changes or interrupts plans. In the Bible, you can read accounts of how He changed the plans of His people. We must trust the Lord and His plan and know it is better and serves a much greater purpose than our own.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
Be blessed.
It is easy to get upset and become worried or concerned about not completing the tasks you planned. Others might tell you not to become overly concerned regarding your change of plans because it’s only a test. The Lord wants your attention and changing your plans is one way He gets it. You must take a step back and listen to what He is saying to you.
The Lord constantly changes or interrupts plans. In the Bible, you can read accounts of how He changed the plans of His people. We must trust the Lord and His plan and know it is better and serves a much greater purpose than our own.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
Be blessed.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
There are times in your life when you feel all
alone. In these moments it often feels as though no one cares for you or what you
are going through. There is One who always cares for you and what concerns you.
His name is Jesus.
You are important to Jesus. He not only cares
for the major things in your life but the seemingly minor things as well. If
you lack necessities, He has ways of meeting your needs. If you ask which
direction to go, He has ways of guiding you.
Because Jesus cares so much, He offers you the best. Through Him
there is redemption, the best life, peace, strength, hope, and freedom, just to
name a few things. Jesus wants to be a part
of your whole life, not certain parts of it. Develop a loving relationship
with the One who loves and cares for you the most.
Cast your cares upon Him for He cares for you. 1
Peter 5:7
Be blessed.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Count it all joy!
"When life gives
you lemons, make lemonade." This is a popular old saying we often hear
when we are faced with different problems and situations in life. A health
crisis, the loss of a job, or dilemmas our loved ones face, are situations that
makes us feel as though we cannot make lemonade or change circumstances. God
gives us the strength to handle any circumstance we face. We cannot stop lemons from falling but we can control
how we handle those lemons.
"My brethren, count it all
joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your
faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work,
that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:2-4
is not the first reaction for most of us. The first reaction is anger or even
bitterness. There is rarely joy or gratitude when we go through trials. Negative feelings prove more growing is necessary to reach spiritual
maturity. We must go through a process to become more like Jesus. The process
is not always easy. It involves pain and sorrow. We must stay the course and do
not avoid trials. If we do not stay on the path to maturity, we will remain
Desire a strong faith life.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Tristan, my six year old nephew,
happily played with his toy until it broke. He asked his mom and grandma to
repair his toy but they did not help him at the time he asked. He said aloud,
"Maybe Jesus can help me fix it.”I was
shocked and thrilled to hear this. Shocked that a six year old would say such a
thing, but thrilled to know he knows who to call on in his time of need. There
is a lot to be learned from this.
I begin to think of adult
believers who know Jesus and what He is capable of doing, but when trouble comes, they do not
seek Him first, if at all. Most people grab the phone before praying. If phoning a friend does not work, they go into panic mode. Children are
so innocent, loving, and are ready and willing to trust. We, as adults, should
be just as trusting in Jesus who can fix whatever problem we face.
Oh, you might be wondering what
happened with Tristan's toy. Well, Jesus fixed it.
Be blessed.
![]() |
Aunt Misty & Tristan |
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
God is not moved by complaints or
self pity. It is your faith that moves the hand of God. When we do our part and
invite Him into our lives by exercising faith, we will see God move in our
lives. The Bible is filled with accounts of Jesus performing great works for
people because of their faith.
When God sees your faith in
operation, many wonderful things will begin to take your place in your life. Because
of faith, God will open doors you could never open on your own. Use the faith
given to you now and observe how your faith moves the hand of God.
“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to
God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of
those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6
Be blessed.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Worrying is negative thinking.
When we worry, we constantly replay a negative or troubling thought over and
over in our minds. The thought usually consists of "What if this happens
or what if that happens?" These thoughts deprive us of our peace and
happiness. When troubling thoughts come our way, the first thing we should do
is recognize it is not good and then give them to the Lord.
When we make prayer a habit, we
can be happy when facing any situation or circumstance that comes our way. This
is not to say we should be happy about going through unfortunate times in life,
but we can be happy because of the Lord and knowing He will bring us out of
whatever we are going though.
Worrying means one is either
consumed with unpleasant thoughts of the past or future. Most things we worry
about never happen. Just for a moment, think back to something that worried
you. Whatever worried you, did it happen? Chances are the situation turned out
better than you expected or hoped.
Getting the mind off of the
present is a trick of the enemy. Satan wants us to lose focus of where we are
and to lose faith in the Lord.
Make prayer a part of your daily
life. When you feel yourself starting to dwell on not so good things, start
praying instead. Think on what God's Word says about your situation and
meditate on His Word. Prayer every day keeps worry away.
"Therefore do not worry
about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for
the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:34
Be blessed.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, and
had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had,
and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, when she had heard of Jesus,
came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, "If
I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole." And straightway the
fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was
healed of that plague. And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that
virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, "Who
touched my clothes?" And his disciples said unto him, "Thou
seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?" And
he looked round about to see her that had done this thing. But the woman
fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before
him, and told him all the truth. And he said unto her, "Daughter, thy
faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague." Mark
We have issues. We are not
perfect. Our lives are not perfect. Your issue might not be the same as that of
the next person, but still, issues exist. We often tell anyone who listens
about our issues. In some instances we are encouraged or moved by what they
say. At other times, the people we share with are in no position to help or
direct us to someone who can help. Because of this, we still issues.
The woman with the issue of blood
dealt with it for 12 years. After visiting doctors and spending all she had to
become well, her condition worsened. After trying all she knew to do, she
turned to Jesus. She had faith that she could touch Jesus and be made well.
With faith, she touched His garment and was healed. The woman's story teaches
us to take our issues to the Lord.
In the story, Jesus was surrounded
by a multitude of people. With the many people gathered around Him, Jesus still
felt the woman touch His garment. Our issues are important to Jesus. He is
not dealing with our issues one person at a time. He is not like us. Jesus is a
miracle worker. Do not continue to live every day with issues you can give to
Jesus. The woman with the issue of blood lived with the problem for 12 years.
Some of you have lived with your issues longer than 12 years. Will you continue
to live with them or do you have the faith to give them to Jesus?
Be blessed.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
At some point in life, we have
wanted something so bad that we moved without seeking the Lord. We failed to seek Him and His guidance on what we should do or where we should go. Just because it
looks right, feels right, and sounds right doesn't mean it is right. Failure to
seek the Lord before moving on something typically leaves us in such messes.
It's beneficial for us, as well as others, to be prayerful in all we do.
"Pray without ceasing"
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
We have so much to be grateful for on this day. There are some days when we might want to get into a grumpy mood because we have to leave a warm cozy bed to head on in to work. Grumpy is not the way we ought to be. We should thank the Lord for waking us up. We should thank the Lord for the provision He has made which allows us to have a roof over our heads, food to eat, and clothes to wear. Many people around the world do not have the things that some of us never give a second thought to be grateful to possess.
We have busy lives. Society says, "Go! Go! Go!" How often do we take time to slow down or just sit and take in God's beautiful creations? If we take the time to think on all of God's wonderful creations, we will find ourselves forever grateful for all He has done, big and small. In doing this, one recognizes just how great and wonderful God really is.
By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deep in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast. Psalm 33:6-9
Instead of focusing on what is not right or what you do not have, thank the Lord for what is right and what you do have at this moment. It is easy to complain about someone or something, but it is just as easy to praise God just for who He is and to thank Him for what He has done, is doing, and is about to do in your life. He is an awesome God and is worthy of all praise.
Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its going down the Lord’s name is to be praised. Psalm 113:1-3
Be blessed.
We have busy lives. Society says, "Go! Go! Go!" How often do we take time to slow down or just sit and take in God's beautiful creations? If we take the time to think on all of God's wonderful creations, we will find ourselves forever grateful for all He has done, big and small. In doing this, one recognizes just how great and wonderful God really is.
By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. He gathers the waters of the sea together as a heap; He lays up the deep in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast. Psalm 33:6-9
Instead of focusing on what is not right or what you do not have, thank the Lord for what is right and what you do have at this moment. It is easy to complain about someone or something, but it is just as easy to praise God just for who He is and to thank Him for what He has done, is doing, and is about to do in your life. He is an awesome God and is worthy of all praise.
Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore! From the rising of the sun to its going down the Lord’s name is to be praised. Psalm 113:1-3
Be blessed.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
When things are not going your way, the enemy whispers, "Things will never change." Don't listen to Him! The Lord has made promises. He keeps His promises. The Lord's promises are what you have to look forward to no matter how good or bad your day happens to be. You must remember, Satan is a liar and the truth is not in him (John 8:44). When Satan tells a lie, speak God's truth.
Your circumstances might not be favorable for you, but you have to believe better days are ahead. Think positive today and believe your tomorrow can be better than your yesterday. Do not lose hope. Trust in the Lord knowing He has better days ahead for you.
"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”John 16:33
Be blessed.
Your circumstances might not be favorable for you, but you have to believe better days are ahead. Think positive today and believe your tomorrow can be better than your yesterday. Do not lose hope. Trust in the Lord knowing He has better days ahead for you.
"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”John 16:33
Be blessed.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
It's time to examine your relationships and get rid of those that are toxic. Toxic relationships hold you back. The poison (negativity, stress, etc.) gets in and will keep you from progressing, if you aren't careful. They're emotionally draining. These relationships are hazardous to your health because they can impact your phyiscal, mental, and spiritual health and not in a good way.
There are ways to determine if a relationship is toxic. Does the relationship motivate you to grow closer to the Lord? Is the relationship tearing you down? Can you be yourself in the relationship? These are just a few among many questions to think about when examining your relationships. If you answered no to any of these questions, then you might have a toxic relationship.
Spring is almost here and it's time do some Spring cleaning. Don't wait. Detoxify right now beginning with toxic relationships.
Be blessed.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Today I want to share a song with you that's played over and over in mind lately, it's called "Don't Worry Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin. It's a reminder that you don't have to worry. You can't be happy if you're worrying. I just want to let you know that if you're trusting the Lord and you believe what He says, then you have nothing to worry about. The Lord will supply all your needs.
We have a choice. We can worry about what we're facing or we can be happy while we face our situations. I'm not saying we should be happy about the situations we face, but we can be happy because we know God's got it.
I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do. Every time I think of it or hear it, it just makes me smile. You can't help but smile after watching this entertaining video.
Be blessed.
We have a choice. We can worry about what we're facing or we can be happy while we face our situations. I'm not saying we should be happy about the situations we face, but we can be happy because we know God's got it.
I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do. Every time I think of it or hear it, it just makes me smile. You can't help but smile after watching this entertaining video.
Be blessed.
Friday, March 9, 2012
"This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
I thank the Lord for a fresh start today. I know all things done or not done on yesterday is a part of the past. I won't beat myself up over what I didn't complete on my "To Do List" neither will I dwell on anything negative that might have occurred on yesterday. One thing I've learned is how to turn negatives into positives.
We have the choice to move on from yesterday and embrace today and that's exactly what I intend to do. Today, I will take out that "To Do List" and pick up where I left off....without any guilt. I don't know all that is in store for me today, but I have great expectations that great things are coming my way. I do know that no matter what lies ahead of me, Jesus is with me. He is with me through the good and the bad and His presence sure makes life easier.
You have a choice to make. You can choose to be glad about today or choose to let something from yesterday keep you from enjoying the gift of today.
Be blessed.
I thank the Lord for a fresh start today. I know all things done or not done on yesterday is a part of the past. I won't beat myself up over what I didn't complete on my "To Do List" neither will I dwell on anything negative that might have occurred on yesterday. One thing I've learned is how to turn negatives into positives.
We have the choice to move on from yesterday and embrace today and that's exactly what I intend to do. Today, I will take out that "To Do List" and pick up where I left off....without any guilt. I don't know all that is in store for me today, but I have great expectations that great things are coming my way. I do know that no matter what lies ahead of me, Jesus is with me. He is with me through the good and the bad and His presence sure makes life easier.
You have a choice to make. You can choose to be glad about today or choose to let something from yesterday keep you from enjoying the gift of today.
Be blessed.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
When we are going through a tough time in life we might question God, wondering why the situation is happening. The saying is true that sometimes you have to go through to get to where God wants you to be.
Being saints does not exempt us from days of trouble, testing, and trials. As a matter of fact, Jesus warns us that we will have problems in life. Peter lets us know the hard times we face in life are normal,
“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.(1 Peter 4:12,13)
There are some things in life we can only learn through suffering and God uses the problems we encounter to draw us near to Him. It is during these times when we learn our total dependence must be upon Him. The Lord sees what we go through. He knows what we feel. Jesus hears us when we cry out to Him with our sincere prayers. As a result, we become more intimate with our Creator and less dependent on self.
Be blessed.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Maybe it's natural to want what we want when we want it, but we know that's just not the way it happens most of the time. There are times when God requires that we wait for the things we desire. Some believers question His love during a waiting period. God is even accused of abandonment during this time. This is so not true. He still loves you and He has not forsaken you. Satan wants you to believe those thoughts are true.
You should thank God that He hasn't always given you what you wanted when you asked for it. Our Creator sees and knows all. Just take a moment and think about something you asked from God. Now, looking at where you are in your life now and how you've changed, aren't you glad your prayers weren't answered at the time you asked?
It's all in God's perfect timing when He opens doors for you now that you're ready to walk through them. (Give Him thanks for closed doors as well as those He opens.) It's all in God's perfect timing when you are passed over time and time again for a promotion, only to finally be promoted in the presence of others. It's all in God's perfect timing when you are told by doctors you have a terminal illness, but during a checkup it's discovered Jesus has healed you, making believers out of unbelievers. So you see, it's all about Gods perfect timing.
I hope these words provide some encouragement and sense of comfort for you during your wait. Trust in God, His promises, and His perfect timing. His perfect timing not only benefits you but others as well.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity into their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end" Ecclesiastes 3:11
Be blessed.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
We are in control of our happiness. Yes, that's right. It's up to each of us to decide if we want to be happy or not. It's true we can't control every problem or unfortunate situation that comes our way, but we can control how we respond to these things and how we allow them to affect our lives.
If you're currently experiencing unhappiness in your life, what have you allowed to make you unhappy? What's keeping you from happiness? Are you facing a problem and don't have the solution? Is your life going in a direction you never imagined? Have you let fear keep you from pursuing your dreams and achieving your goals?
You should focus on Jesus and not the problem. Jesus is the solution to the problem. "I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." (Psalm 121:1)
Seek wisdom and guidance. Jesus won't lead you the wrong way. "Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, 'I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.' (John 8:12)
Fear is from Satan and not from God. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7) Don't let fear keep you from living a life of happiness.
Be blessed.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
In a day, you hear, see, and read a lot, but of those things, what are you choosing to absorb? What do you dwell on? If you are not careful, you will hang on to the negative stuff. You will ignore what is positive and believe the negative things around you. By holding on to negative things, you are opting to clutter your mind with mess. It is time to remove the mess from your mind.
Rid yourself of the lies Satan has whispered in your ear and replace them with the God's truth. Pick up and read the Word of God. Meditate on and believe His Word. Instead of dwelling on Satan's lies, replay God's truth over and over in your mind. Do it until it is firmly planted in your mind. Do these things and you will experience amazing changes in your life.
Be blessed.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
As you look around on this day, you’re certain to see flowers, cards, and candy. Let’s not forget the diamonds, marriage proposals, and romantic dinners and conversations. These expressions of love are great to see. I love to be loved, to see love, and to give love. But today, I want to remind you of the One who truly loves you.
God loves you. His love trumps all others. There are different kinds of love and when it comes to man, it changes. God's love isn’t fickle. You don’t have to earn His love nor can you stop Him from loving you.
If you’re not feeling the love today or even if you’re feeling it, just remember the great love God has for you. He sent His son Jesus to make the ultimate sacrifice for us. And today, He continues to prove His love over and over again.
No matter what you're feeling today, God loves you. You're loved every day.
Be blessed.
God loves you. His love trumps all others. There are different kinds of love and when it comes to man, it changes. God's love isn’t fickle. You don’t have to earn His love nor can you stop Him from loving you.
If you’re not feeling the love today or even if you’re feeling it, just remember the great love God has for you. He sent His son Jesus to make the ultimate sacrifice for us. And today, He continues to prove His love over and over again.
No matter what you're feeling today, God loves you. You're loved every day.
Be blessed.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
God has the power to do all things. He turns impossibilities into possibilities. God is everything we need Him to be. He is an unlimited God who moves in unlimited ways.
God has proven His love and power over and over again, yet some still choose to place limits on Him. Some believers, for various reason, do not think God is capable of doing what needs to be done. They limit God by their limited thinking and limited actions. Maybe a lack of knowledge keeps them from recognizing and understanding God is much bigger than any circumstance, problem, or dream.
There is nothing you cannot take to God. He is able to do more than you can imagine. He will do exactly what He said He will do. God is a God of limitless possibilities and all you need to do is trust Him.
But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26
Be blessed.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Change is coming. It's inevitable. Positive or negative. Like it or not. It's on the way. So how should you respond to change? Specifically, unwanted change? Well, you have several options. To name a few, you can pout about it, fight against it, get mad about it, or you can be excited about it and embrace it.
There's no point in wasting energy fighting against the inevitable. Embrace the changes in your life by controlling your attitude towards them. Maintain a positive attitude as you go through change. It's easy to recognize the great rewards in a positive change, but can be quite difficult to do with unwanted change. You will find opportunities to grow and potentially bless others in some way even when experiencing unwanted change if you embrace it.
Change isn't easy for everybody and we don't always understand the reason for it. Once you embrace it and learn to not let it overwhelm you, peace comes.
"By changing nothing, nothing changes." ~Anonymous
Be blessed.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
It's that time of the year again. I'm sure we can find things we don't want to keep in 2012. We have some material things to give away or throw out and there are certainly negative attitudes and negative thoughts we should not carry into this year. It's time to move 'em on out of the way.
Today is a fresh start to a new year. While it's true we can't control everything that comes our way, we can control our attitudes regarding the things we face. I always say, turn negatives into positives. You think you have it bad, but someone else has it much worse than you do.
Don't dwell on what you did or didn't do last year. If you choose to focus on the past, you will miss what God wants to do for you right now. You will soon find you're getting nowhere by holding firm to your past.
Expect great things this year. I won't tell you everyday will be free of problems or troubles, but I can tell you to remember God's Word and what He says about your situation. If you haven't already, get rid of the things that profit you nothing. Just move 'em out. Start the year off right.
Be blessed.
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