Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Change is coming. It's inevitable. Positive or negative. Like it or not. It's on the way. So how should you respond to change? Specifically, unwanted change? Well, you have several options. To name a few, you can pout about it, fight against it, get mad about it, or you can be excited about it and embrace it.

There's no point in wasting energy fighting against the inevitable. Embrace the changes in your life by controlling your attitude towards them. Maintain a positive attitude as you go through change. It's easy to recognize the great rewards in a positive change, but can be quite difficult to do with unwanted change. You will find opportunities to grow and potentially bless others in some way even when experiencing unwanted change if you embrace it.

Change isn't easy for everybody and we don't always understand the reason for it. Once you embrace it and learn to not let it overwhelm you, peace comes. 

"By changing nothing, nothing changes." ~Anonymous

Be blessed.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


It's that time of the year again. I'm sure we can find things we don't want to keep in 2012. We have some material things to give away or throw out and there are certainly negative attitudes and negative thoughts we should not carry into this year. It's time to move 'em on out of the way.

Today is a fresh start to a new year. While it's true we can't control everything that comes our way, we can control our attitudes regarding the things we face. I always say, turn negatives into positives. You think you have it bad, but someone else has it much worse than you do.

Don't dwell on what you did or didn't do last year. If you choose to focus on the past, you will miss what God wants to do for you right now. You will soon find you're getting nowhere by holding firm to your past.

Expect great things this year. I won't tell you everyday will be free of problems or troubles, but I can tell you to remember God's Word and what He says about your situation. If you haven't already, get rid of the things that profit you nothing. Just move 'em out. Start the year off right.

Be blessed.