Monday, April 25, 2016


There are times when we question God. I do not mean questioning His existence, but the typical questions of why or why not? When? Where? You know, those type of questions. Today might be one of those days for you. I hope you are encouraged by my post.

Today I donned one of my favorite t-shirts (see picture below).  I had to stop by a few places today and during most of my visits at least one person stopped me just to say, "I like your shirt." In fact, a gentleman took time to walk from one side of the store to another just to tell me so. The first compliment did not make me think about it so much, but after the fourth compliment I could no longer deny the message God was sending to me. 

I have worn this shirt many times before and on some days nobody acknowledged the shirt and other days a person or two. On this day, the compliments kept coming and I thought to myself it seemed a little unusual. Then it became crystal clear to me that God wanted me to keep calm and trust Him. I wore this shirt displaying a message that reminds others to keep calm and trust God but He reminded me that I needed to do the same. 

It does not matter what you are facing today. Do not panic. Do not stress. Do not give up. Do not move in haste without seeking God's guidance. Do have faith. Do hold on. Do seek His face. Keep calm and trust God.

Be blessed.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Change is constantly taking place around us. Sometimes we flow with change and other times we fight it. Either way, change is inevitable. 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

In this world of constant change, we can take great comfort in trusting in Jesus who never changes. The same Jesus who brought you of the storm yesterday will bring you out of the storm today. The same Jesus who healed you on yesterday will heal you today. I do not know how you feel about it, but I am excited about this fact. It brings me great joy just thinking about it.

Be encouraged today.

Be blessed.