Friday, May 7, 2010


Do you know someone who was overlooked for a promotion because of a negative attitude towards his/her current position? Or maybe there was a lack of loyalty or faithfulness to his/her current position. Are you that someone? I can admit, I have not always had a good attitude about the jobs I held. I was frustrated and aggravated with those jobs and quickly found a way out of by obtaining other positions.

I was later employed by a company for a lengthy period of time. My attitude was not always positive about the job and I tried my usual way of escape which was to change my position within the company or locate other employment. Nothing seemed to happen for me. My dreams for a career and my future were big and they did not include the job I held. My position did not come close to those dreams. As time grew, and as I grew spiritually, I learned to accept where I was placed. I became faithful in my job and where I was in life. More tasks and assignments were given to me and I received acts of favor I never dreamed. I became faithful in my position, which set me up for promotion. Not from man, but from God.

Faithfulness brings promotion. You should not expect to be promoted when you are unfaithful and ungrateful. Respect the authority figures placed over you, even when you do not agree with their decisions. Pray they will make decisions after seeking God first. Make the choice to give your best in your job and to allow your talents to develop in your current jobs. I know your dreams may seem lost when you are not working in your desired career, but you must keep trusting God, keep your dreams alive, and expect God to take you new levels in your life because of your faithfulness.

"Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. " Matthew 25:23 NKJV

Be blessed.

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