I'm the first to admit I'm one of those people who like to go from A straight to Z. I’ll get an idea and instantly picture the end. I'm learning letters B-Y exist and these are steps I can’t skip. I mean, who really wants to get an idea and then wait days, weeks, months, or oh my goodness, years, for it to develop into what you envision? No one wants to wait, right?
I've waited years for marriage, motherhood, to discover my calling, among other things. I could go on and on but I don't want to give you a false impression of my life. I don't want you to think God hasn't answered any of my prayers or that I’m not blessed of Him. I truly have been blessed by my Father. He has blessed me and continues to bless me. I don't doubt His love or the promises He made to me. I only mention these things because I want you to know I've chosen to just say no to shortcuts.
I could be married right now, but he wouldn't be God's best for me. I could be a mother right now. I could skip the wait for a husband or choose another method the world offers, but I'll wait on God's timing. Basically, I could take shortcuts to getting the things I want. Shortcuts cross my mind, but the potential mess I could make by doing so keeps me from taking them. But what really makes me avoid shortcuts is something God spoke to me some time ago. He chose to speak to me in such a way I’ll never forget. How God spoke isn’t the point, but what He said is the point I want to make to you. He said although my journey is long and sometimes feels like I’ll never get to where I want to be, once I reach my destination I’ll be glad that I didn't take shortcuts. Why would I want to take shortcuts after receiving that news? That’s good news from the most trusted Source!
In order to avoid some unnecessary drama, problems, messes, etc., as a result of taking shortcuts, maybe you should opt to just say no to shortcuts. In the end, you will be happy that you didn’t take them.
Be blessed.
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