Saturday, January 1, 2011


It is January 01, 2011. Today is the start of a new year. It is okay to reflect on the past year. But just reflect, do not dwell. One cannot pretend that the past has no impact, but the past should not dictate the future. It is easy to smile about the good things that happened and frown about the bad. Well, let the good and bad propel you to the next level. Today is a new day. Today starts a brand new year. Are you ready for a fresh start?

Many of you are saying, "Yes! I'm ready!" I hope you are ready for the new things God wants to do for you, in you, and through you. If you have left the past in the past, I think you are ready. Are you ready to embrace change, because it is inevitable? If your answer is yes, I am more convinced that you are ready? Do you see the mistakes, stumbles, and mishaps of 2010 as stepping stones and lessons learned? Yes? Now, I know you are ready for a fresh start.

Do not become overly concerned about what you did or did not do in 2010. Focus on the present. Make it a point to be prayerful about all you do. Let God be in control of your life. Let Him order your steps. When you pray to Him, be prepared to be obedient. You will be lead to places unknown. You will be guided to approach and sow (words of encouragement, warning, and perhaps, financially) into others. You will be removed entirely from your comfort zone many times. In all you do, trust God. He will not lead you astray. Anything or anyone He guides you to will only lead to blessings. He will bless you to be a blessing. Just remember, blessings are not only material or financial. Spiritual blessings exist, too.

I am ready for the new thing God wants to do in my life. I embrace the new. I am forgetting the things of the past and looking forward to those things which are ahead for me. I suggest you do the same. How far can one go if he keeps looking back? I am ready for a fresh start. Are you? I sure hope you are ready for all the new things made available to you this year.

13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13,14 NKJV

 Be blessed.


  1. Well put Misty. Everyone thinks because it is a new year, that changes are going to happen immediately, that things are going to get better by the end of the first day of the year. It doesn't work like that. You have sown seeds of encouragement, knowledge, wisdom, hope in my life. I know that you will continue to do so directly and indirectly. Because of what you have given me, I can give to others even if I don't follow advice completely. It makes me happy to know that I can pass this on to others so that it may make them think even a little or to help them in a time of need.

  2. Monica, it's a blessing to know this blog entry encouraged you. Never lose hope my friend! Be blessed.

  3. Great post, sister! The points you mentioned are a blessing. Keep making great strides for our Lord!

  4. Thank you. And thank you for the encouragement!
