Thursday, December 30, 2010


A new year is near. So many of us are excited to begin a new year and we look forward to what God is going to do. I am totally excited about 2011. With all of the excitement I feel when it comes to starting a new year, I always find it necessary for me to take a moment to reflect on the current year. I will not complain about 2010. As a matter of fact, I cannot complain. Some dreams were fulfilled. Some dreams were not fulfilled. I had ups and downs just like everyone else, but still, 2010 has been a great year.

This year has certainly been a year of much change. When it comes to my relationships with others, some of them changed. Some for the better and others, well, my eyes were opened and I am seeking the Lord and may properly put an end to those relationships. Relationships should help you grow and not hinder. Our relationships should allow us to be who we truly are and not put on fake faces to "make it work." I am okay with releasing what does not work for me.

When it comes to my life spiritually, all I can say is, "Wow! God is good!"

I experienced a lot of great things I could share, but for the sake of time, maybe I will share later. I will simply tell you there are rewards in waiting on God and trusting Him.

While I had great things happen to and for me this year, I experienced some not so great times. Oh yes, the enemy came at me. Satan schemed, lied, and all of that other stuff he is known for, but I am still standing. I am still here to tell you that I have the victory and the devil is defeated. I started out as a winner in 2010 and I will end 2010 as a winner.

I do not know what God has in store for me. I am not one for making resolutions. I just want to go where God guides me. I want to do what He tells me to do. I want to be who God said I am to be. Do not get me wrong, I have plans, but I hand them over to Him. God is still in control. 

Get excited! Leave 2010's messes in 2010 and look forward to 2011's successes. I do not know about you, but I am excited about an open heaven in 2011.

Be blessed.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


God appoints the times and seasons of our lives. During these seasons, we will experience events that make us happy and sad, laugh and cry, and some things we go through will be easy while others are difficult. We will face the end of many things but can be assured we will walk into the beginning of other things. Knowing we will experience different seasons of life can be overwhelming, but we must remember, God is in control.

God's timing for the seasons is perfect. For those who are waiting for their dream job, to start a business, to be married, become pregnant, etc., there is a time for it. We do not always understand the reasons for the seasons, but there is purpose in every season of life. It is easy to become frustrated and even bitter when we must wait for the things we long for. Frustration and bitterness will not rush God. He works according to His own timing, not our timetables. Patience must be learned. Patience is important. A lack of patience often gets us into troubles and messes we later wish we had avoided. God only wants the best for us. Why not trust Him through all seasons?

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV

Be blessed.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Here we are again, approaching another favorite time of the year. There weather is crisp and cold. Houses are framed with hundreds of little lights. Christmas cards are passed to and fro. Malls and shopping centers are filled with shoppers. Christmas tunes and the many smells of holiday treats fill the air. It is time for Christmas. It is called the most wonderful time of the year.

This is the season of gift giving. Most people are thinking about how many gift cards to purchase. They are shopping around for the latest electronic gadgets or games. Completing their shopping lists is what is on their minds. I wonder how many people have Jesus on their minds. How many of us are actually taking the time to remember Jesus is the reason for this season and not gift cards, electronic games, or flat screen TVs? Those things are nice gifts, but what about Jesus who is the true gift?

Every Christmas I receive the most amazing gifts. I know this year will not be any different. But there is no gift that can top the most wonderful gift given to me and His name is Jesus. Jesus hung on the cross so that we may have eternal life. So you see, there is no greater gift than the gift of Jesus. During this busy season, take time to remember Jesus and how He is the true gift of life.

Be blessed.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I cannot tell you how many times my dreams have been laughed at or shot down. Oh yeah. I have been told I live in a fantasy world. Since when did having dreams become a joke? I used to go back and think on what these people said to me and slowly allowed my dreams to die. But, those days are long behind me. My dreams are alive now and I will never allow them to die again. In fact, I am dreaming even bigger. I am dreaming big dreams.
One of the most important things to learn about dreams is to guard them. You cannot share them with everyone, not even family members. If you decide to share your dreams, make sure to share them with those you trust. They must be supporters of you and your dreams. True supporters will not laugh at your dreams. They will offer help and/or encouragement to help make your dreams come true. I share my deepest desires and dreams with my Father and the one person who I know prays for me the most and wants the best for me. I only release what God tells me to release and when He tells me to release it.
To those who have buried your dreams because you thought they could never come true because of naysayers, forget what they said. Uncover those buried dreams. I know you think those dreams are dead, that you have waited too long to pursue those dreams, or that you are too old to pursue them, but ask the Lord to breathe life into your dreams. Nothing is too big or too hard for Him.
Dream. Dream big. Dream big dreams.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish" (taken from Proverbs 29:18 KJV)
Be blessed.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I enjoy my special quiet times with the Lord. Each of us have our own way of making our quiet time with Jesus special, but I choose total silence. No music. I prefer total silence. For me, I can focus totally on Him and can hear Him without any distractions. My quiet time with Jesus last evening was awesome. I am not saying I have never experienced awesome moments with Him because I have had many, but it is truly amazing to be able to talk to Jesus about a concern then within an hour or less, He answers.

I talked to Jesus about a situation in my life which caused me a great deal of stress in the past, but I have since learned there is no reason why I should be stressed over this one area of my life. When I talked the Lord about my concerns, He spoke to me and told me the situation will not change in the way I desire nor in the time frame I desire. He proceeded to reveal to me that it is not about me but about Him. He showed me the faces of a few lives I have touched which caused them to accept Him as Lord of their lives. He later made it known to me that there are more lives I must touch before the situation changes. Truthfully, it is not what I wanted to hear, but I accepted what Jesus revealed to me. In fact, I feel even better about the situation because I know I am on assignment from the Lord.

The next time you find yourself remaining in a situation much longer than you had hoped, talk to Jesus about it. He may just reveal to you that you are right where you are because there is an assignment for you to complete. It is not about you. It is not about me. It is all about Jesus.

Be blessed.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Thanksgiving Day is near and all of the signs that one of America's favorite holidays are present. Pumpkins, crowded grocery stores, busy airports, and Christmas commercials can be seen and Christmas tunes fill the air, setting the tone for another favorite holiday which is Christmas. Thanksgiving is the time of year when families come together, share food, and good conversation.

I am reminded of the scene in most holiday movies. Family and friends gather around the dinner table, hold hands, and each state the reasons he/she is thankful. It is such a nice moment to share with others, but what about being thankful everyday and not just on Thanksgiving Day? Why wait until the day of Thanksgiving to tell the Lord how thankful you are for the people He has blessed you with in your life or for all He has done for you? Everyday is Thanksgiving Day in my opinion. I thank God everyday. Before I get out of bed, I say to Him, "Thank You for allowing me to see another day."

Why wait until Thanksgiving to share special time with friends and family? You do not have to prepare some elaborate meal and slave over a hot stove for hours, or even days preparing food. A sandwich, flavored water, and good conversation with family or a dear friend works for me. Okay, I will even take a glass of regular refreshing water. Oh no, there is nothing wrong with a good Thanksgiving meal, but what I am saying is, do not get so caught up into the food. Remember the One who blessed you to see that day and who is the Provider of the food. Remember to be grateful for your family and great friends at all times.

Be blessed.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


It is true each one of us makes decisions regarding our own lives. The choices we make have an impact. Choices impact the one who makes the choice and often the lives of others. Eyes are on you. You may not appear on television, stand before crowds, or even have your voice heard over the air waves, but still, you are being watched.

There is someone out there who wants to be like you. Someone respects your holy lifestyle and the way you carry yourself. Someone is watching the way you interact with others. Even when you think you are alone, someone is watching you. The Word of God is not read by all; therefore, you may be the only Bible someone will ever read. Some people do not know Jesus. They can learn about Jesus by watching the Jesus in you. Do not think those last two statements are just old sayings, because they are true statements.

Someone might read this blog and think, "I don't care who is watching me. It's my life and I'll do what I want" and that might be true. But, are you concerned that God sees you? Do you care to know He is watching you? He is always watching you.

Be blessed.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


It is sad to see the ending of some things in our lives. This includes relationships, jobs, seasons, and many more things. All of these things end at some point for whatever reason. The end can cause pain, a little bit of sadness, but it can also bring such joy and excitement. When one door closes, another door opens. New relationships are formed, new jobs may begin, and a new season starts, and so on.

When a door closes on the past, one tends to look back and think on what was, what could have been, and perhaps, what should have been. We cannot live in the past and expect to move ahead to the future. There are many great opportunities waiting on the other side of the other door. Sure, taking the first step across the threshold may not be comfortable, but it can be so exciting at the same time. Many doors have closed in my life lately, and although I am a little nervous about what the future holds for me, I am totally excited about what the Lord has for me. I can only expect great things for me when the Lord is involved.

So, go ahead, walk away from closed doors and open the door to your future.

Be blessed.

Monday, November 8, 2010


There is one phrase believers will often hear as we trust God to do something in our lives. Hold on. I cannot begin to count the number of times someone has told me to hold on. I cannot begin to tell you the number of times I have told myself to hold on. I think we know the possible consequences of letting go, and this causes us to hold on. But if we are totally honest about it, sometimes the grip gets slippery.

What do you do when the grip gets slippery? I guess the best thing to do is take both hands, grip tighter, and make sure you pray as you hold on. You would think when God has promised us something it would be easier to hold out for the promise. No, that is not always true. Maybe it is the excitement of getting the promise or a little doubt about the promise. I mean, have you ever questioned some things concerning God's promises?

I will tell you what keeps me holding on. My Father has always come through for me. He has never failed me and there is no reason for me to think He will fail me now. His Word is true. I will sum it all up with the following, Good things do come to those who wait. The longer the wait, the bigger the blessing. Now who would let go after such a great statement!?

God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? Numbers 23:19 NKJV

Be blessed.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Over the last couple of weeks, all of my days have not been peaceful. Questions weigh heavily on my mind about many areas of my life. There is no absolute peace regarding the most important things in my life. I'm not perfect. I know the types of thoughts that should cross my mind. I've allowed myself to become vulnerable somehow. I admit it and I'm not afraid to do so. I won't pretend I'm the most perfect and saved person walking this Earth.

 This morning during prayer I asked for peace. Life is not a happy place without it. If you are lacking peace within yourself, I suggest you pray and meditate on what the Word of God has to say regarding peace. For the record, I'm taking my own suggestion.

 You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,

Because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3 

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33 

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6,7 

Be blessed.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Change happens. It does not matter if you want it or not. It does not matter if you are ready for it or not. Change happens. Change is not necessarily a bad thing. People, jobs, and seasons change. Many positive things can happen as a result of change. I guess most of us at some time in our lives dread change. Change is not always welcome in our lives. I laugh to myself because I can think on many occasions when I absolutely hated change, but it worked in my favor.

No matter how you might feel about change, it is part of God's plan. I believe God allows change to take place in order to shake things up for us so to speak. We are made to use our faith at times of change because it can bring on feelings of uncertainty. Change also presents the opportunity for us to find out "what we are made of." It gives us the chance to get in touch with the potential we have inside. 

Change is inevitable so you should just embrace it when it happens. Do not fight against it, but instead, you should work with it. You must understand when God brings about change, there is a purpose for it. He wants to do a new thing in your life, so embrace change. Do not look at change with negative eyes, but remain hopeful knowing God has a blessing waiting for you in the midst of your change.

Be blessed.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I'm the first to admit I'm one of those people who like to go from A straight to Z. I’ll get an idea and instantly picture the end. I'm learning letters B-Y exist and these are steps I can’t skip. I mean, who really wants to get an idea and then wait days, weeks, months, or oh my goodness, years, for it to develop into what you envision? No one wants to wait, right?

I've waited years for marriage, motherhood, to discover my calling, among other things. I could go on and on but I don't want to give you a false impression of my life. I don't want you to think God hasn't answered any of my prayers or that I’m not blessed of Him. I truly have been blessed by my Father. He has blessed me and continues to bless me. I don't doubt His love or the promises He made to me. I only mention these things because I want you to know I've chosen to just say no to shortcuts.

I could be married right now, but he wouldn't be God's best for me. I could be a mother right now. I could skip the wait for a husband or choose another method the world offers, but I'll wait on God's timing. Basically, I could take shortcuts to getting the things I want. Shortcuts cross my mind, but the potential mess I could make by doing so keeps me from taking them. But what really makes me avoid shortcuts is something God spoke to me some time ago. He chose to speak to me in such a way I’ll never forget. How God spoke isn’t the point, but what He said is the point I want to make to you. He said although my journey is long and sometimes feels like I’ll never get to where I want to be, once I reach my destination I’ll be glad that I didn't take shortcuts. Why would I want to take shortcuts after receiving that news? That’s good news from the most trusted Source!

In order to avoid some unnecessary drama, problems, messes, etc., as a result of taking shortcuts, maybe you should opt to just say no to shortcuts. In the end, you will be happy that you didn’t take them.

Be blessed.

Monday, October 4, 2010


It's funny how we pray to the Lord and say we trust Him to answer our prayers. When the answers to our prayers don't come quickly, we get antsy, frustrated, impatient, and start planning to answer them on our own. These reactions are definitely not signs of trusting God. When it comes to an answered prayer or receiving a blessing, would you like it rare, medium, or well done? No matter how impatient I get at times, when it comes to waiting on an answer to my prayers, I would like to have it how I like my steaks.... well done!

It's easy to think negative thoughts when it comes to waiting on God to do something for us. Some might think He is punishing them or He is cruel, while others think God is denying them. God is not cruel. Let's first address this idea that some may have simply because they are in a waiting season. The Lord is preparing great things for you. God can work as quickly as He wants or He can take as much time as necessary to answer our prayers. Some answers take great preparation. In fact, if we are honest, we’re not always ready for the things we ask of Him.

Let’s just pretend for a moment. What if the Lord answered your prayers before you were ready to receive? Can you imagine what messes would result from a rare or medium blessing? Well, can we even call something like that a blessing? I'm just saying. Waiting isn't easy. I never said it was, nor will I ever say it is easy. Trust me. I know a lot about waiting on the desires of the heart to come to pass. Just as much as I know how uncomfortable waiting can be, I know how great well done blessings can be.

The LORD is good to those who wait for Him,
To the soul who seeks Him. Lamentations 3:25 NKJV

Be blessed.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


You question yourself about whether it is time. You feel the tugging in your spirit because you know you must take action. You know deep in your soul you have sat and observed for too long, now it is your turn to bat. It is your turn to step up to the plate.

Now that you have come to accept the challenge, your heart rate speeds up, but there is also a sense of peace about it all because you know you are doing what God wants you to do. I guess one could say it is rather selfish for any of us to remain still when we know God wants us to move. Also, by not moving, we neglect others. By this I mean there are so many people who need what we have. We possess something(s) that can help minister to others, help them see come out of negative situations, or simply provide hope to them.

I should raise my hand. No, let my put up both hands, sit on my behind and lift my feet and say I have sat for too long. I can choose to sit back and bury the talents and gifts God has blessed me with to do my part for the kingdom, or I can start taking steps and follow where and how He leads me. I think I would much rather flow with Him and His plans for me.

Well, with all that being said, I guess I am stepping up to the plate.

Be blessed.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I cannot tell you how I came to blog on this topic except to say that I woke up this morning and the last thing I remember about a dream I had is that I said I would "preach" about this. So, although I am not in a pulpit with a mic in my hand, I will speak through this blog.

Friends. How many of you really have them? How many people can say they have true friends? A friend is not someone who constantly takes from you and never deposits anything into your life. A friend adds to your life. I do not mean for this to simply imply receiving and giving money away, but in other ways as well. A friend is not someone who tears you down. A friend builds you up.

Let me tell you a little about what makes a true friend. A friend is there when you need a shoulder to cry on or need an ear to listen. A friend gives sound advice and encouragement when you are going through difficult times in life. A true friend supports your dreams and desires and other happy moments in your life, as long as those dreams and desires do not cause harm to you or anyone else.

Again, I am not sure why I was lead to blog on friendships. Maybe someone needs to evaluate his/her circle of friends. I keep a very small circle of friends. I have many acquaintances, but not many whom I call friend. Too many people use the word friend loosely. But when it comes to the people who really have your back, you should take the time to consider who you can trust. It might be time to drop some dead weight.

I must ask the following question:  Are you a true friend? Could it be that you need to become a better friend? I am speaking to myself as well. I type these words with my own friendships in mind.

In blogging this piece, I moved away from my usual kind of blogging, but this topic was given to me and I went with it. I hope it serves its purpose.

Be blessed.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


You are God's masterpiece. You are not some knock off but the one and only. An original. A masterpiece. You were not designed to be like someone else. You were uniquely created for a unique purpose. You are not a mistake. God does not make mistakes. No matter what you think when you look in the mirror, no matter what anyone says about you, and no matter what you are going through in your life, you are a valuable.

It is important to understand your worth and know you are valuable. Never allow anyone or anything to make you feel you are nothing or have no importance. You are important and God has an assignment for you to complete. I know life is not always easy. You will face hard times and struggles in your life, but you can get through any difficulty you are facing or will face in the future using the Word of God. The bible gives us keys to live victoriously.

God has given you gifts and talents to share with the world. It is a shame to know many people continuously leave this earth without tapping into their gifts or using their talents in a way to bring happiness to themselves and others and also give glory to God. You have gifts and talents inside of you that so many people need. It does not matter if you are a writer, singer, dancer, or whatever you gift or talent may be, you can minister or share with someone using it.

At this very moment, recognize you have purpose. You must know God has kept you here for a reason and you were not made to wander around in this world feeling like you are out of place or that you do not belong. You are God's masterpiece.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you; Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV

Be blessed.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Jesus is right for whatever is wrong. I saw this posted on a church billboard not long ago. As I drove by and read it, I thought to myself, "That is so true!" I began to think about Jesus and all He has done and is currently doing in my life. I thought about all of the times I prayed to Him and He worked things out for me.

When the balance of the bills total more than your paycheck, Jesus can cause those funds to stretch somehow so there is no lack. Trust me, I know about this. When there is an illness in your body and doctors say there is no cure, Jesus can heal you. I have heard numerous testimonies to support this statement. When there is no peace of mind, Jesus will give you peace. Do you see where I am going with this? Whatever is wrong in your life, Jesus can make it right.

You may be feeling hopeless about a situation you are facing. You should know there is no hopeless or helpless situation when Jesus is involved. Let go of the fear you have about what is wrong and believe in Jesus. Jesus has all of the power. Jesus IS right for whatever is wrong in your life.

"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 NKJV

Be blessed.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Desert: 1.a region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only sparse and widely spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all 2. any place lacking in something (Webster’s Dictionary)

Desert, dry land, or the wilderness is what we call periods of time when we feel unproductive, experience spiritual dryness, face struggles, hardship, and do not feel God’s presence. I will refer to this period as a desert land. This is not a comfortable place to be. It is not something I look forward to and I hate to be in this place. One thing about a desert land is not knowing how long you will remain in this place.

Why I am in a Desert Land

There are many reasons why a person finds himself in a desert land. Those reasons include sin, participating in things which dull spiritual sensitivity or cause distraction, and there are times when nothing is wrong, but right, and God leads one to this place for the purpose of training and blessing. These are just a few of the reasons why a person may be placed in a desert land. Whatever the reason, God is trying to tell you something. It is during this time one should seek God for answers and determine what it is he/she needs to do or receive while in this dry place.

When you find yourself in a desert land, it is important that you go through it. By this I mean you should continue to worship God and spend time in prayer with Him. It takes an act of faith to continue do these things when you experience such spiritual dryness. In fact, it seems more faith is required during the periods in which you do not see, feel, or hear from Him.

Beware of Temptation

There are dangers in the desert land. It is tempting to believe God is far from you during a dry season. If we are not careful, we can find ourselves asking, "Does God still love me? Does He really care for me?" In reality, God is working on us; so, yes, He still loves and cares for you!

Another thing to be aware of is the temptation to let your beliefs and trust in God waiver. You might find yourself tempted to question the promises of God. This can lead to resentment or bitterness towards Him. As a result, you can let others pull you away from God, and reject what you know of and about Him.

From Desert Land To Flowing Waters

After time in a desert land comes flowing waters. There is renewed life. Hopefully you have grown spiritually, and gained a deeper connection with God. You may find that you are now more productive and more in tune spiritually.

If you find yourself in a desert land, there is something to be learned. You are placed in a desert land for a reason. God is trying to get your attention. Stay in prayer, in His Word, and patiently wait for what He has to say to you.

Be blessed.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Have you ever been so sure of something, but later, you begin to second guess the very thing you were so sure about? Well, I’ve been there, recently. Very recent! I consider myself a very strong person. I am a real strong woman. Just because I am not so sure of all things right now does not make me weak at all. At least this is my opinion. I am a real strong woman, meaning I am real enough to say although I am strong, I go through my “moments” in life, too.

Fact or fiction? What is real and what is fake? This is what I asked myself. This is the question I asked of my Father. I know I am not the only person challenged during her spiritual walk. You may be asking yourself, “What is so challenging to her?” My answer to you is that I am struggling with dreams, visions, and some decisions I have made for myself. Maybe you are perfect and never miss the mark, but I am the first to say I am not perfect and I certainly miss the mark sometimes. So I pondered the following: Fact or fiction? The Lord gave me those dreams. Fact or fiction? The Lord gave me those visions. Fact or fiction? I sought the Lord and made the right choices when it came to making major decisions.

Maybe the uncertainty results from the extended wait I am experiencing. I guess one can say I second guessed all of these things because I allowed myself to become vulnerable to the enemy’s nasty and poisonous lies. I must agree. I cannot argue with that statement. Just as the enemy whispered lies and I admittedly allowed the lies to creep in, I am now reminded of these things:

Fact: I am a child of God.
Fact: The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy (John 10:10 NKJV)
Fact: God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? (Numbers 23:19 NKJV)
Fact: There are rewards in waiting on the Lord.

Posting this blog has been very therapeutic for me and I hope you are blessed by it as well.

SN: Satan ought to know by now, he didn’t win! I am an overcomer. I am victorious!

Be blessed.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Have you ever confronted someone with anger because you felt that you were offended or wronged in some way? Did you make the situation better or worse? Taking matters into your own hands may have allowed you to feel better for a little while. Maybe you said something you later regretted. Most of us can say we have found ourselves in both situations. More than an exchange of hurtful words can occur when we act with anger. Possible injuries or even death could be the result when a person acts in anger.

It is not easy to walk away from every negative situation that comes our way. I do believe there are some instances in which we must defend ourselves or others, but there is a proper way of handling those situations. The best way to handle negative situations is to give them to the Lord. Reacting to these situations with anger more than likely will not give you the results that you desire.

19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1:19,20 NKJV

Be blessed.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Are you a new creature in Christ, but still find yourself haunted by your past? Are you allowing your mind to replay mistakes you made years ago or even on yesterday? Does a vessel move forward once it has been anchored? No, it remains in place. So it is the same for those who are anchored by their past. They cannot move forward. The past is yesterday, so let it go. Live in the present. Today is a new day.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV

"All things have become new" is good news. No, it is great news! It is great to know we are stripped of the old person. It is great news to know Jesus gives us a new life. Do not be a new creature trapped by thoughts, guilt, and other negative feelings from your old life. Today is a new day.

Be blessed.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I find it is rather easy to hold on to items that I feel may be needed at a later time. Most things can be stored on computers now, but I still have a strong need to hold on to receipts, letters, and other important documents just in case the unthinkable happens. Over time, I discover it is not necessary to hang on to all of that paper, so I decide to get a hefty bag and throw out the trash. After I rid my dwelling of trash, my place has more space. There is less clutter. We should apply the act of taking out the trash to the junk we accumulate in our lives.

Hurt, anger, bitterness, and resentment are some of the clutter found in everyday life. Negative emotions are like trash taking up space. It clutters the minds of people. Decisions are impacted by holding these negative emotions. Some of the worst actions and mistakes are driven by negative emotions. Negative emotions are garbage. You have to take out the trash. Hanging on to trash keeps you from living your best life. It can hold you back from all the good things God has for you.

Allowing others to dump their trash on you is just as bad as holding on to your own garbage. We must help others and there is nothing wrong with allowing others to vent or share their problems with you. It is time to remove yourself from toxic relationships when you have helped others all you can and they decide they do not want your help or choose to remain negative people. You cannot let negative people continuously dump their garbage in your life. If you are storing garbage which does not belong to you, take out the trash. Once you take out the trash cluttering your life, you will be able to breathe fresh air and look at your life in a fresh new way.

Be blessed.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I know we must leave the past in the past, but at times I reflect on where I once was to where I am now. I use my moments of reflection to help me press on each and every day. Oh my! God has done such a work in me! No, I am not perfect and like everyone else, I am work in progress, but my my my, He has done a work in me! He has taken me from mess to success.

Many people measure success by the type of car one drives, the house one lives in, or by the amount of money in a bank account. Those things can certainly indicate success, but when I mention success, I am not talking about material things. I am referring to the success of holy living, being whole, and being a winner. I like to use the term mess when I refer to my former self. Some of those who know me may disagree, but they do not know the hurt or turmoil that existed within me before I accepted Jesus. Things might have appeared okay on the outside, but the only way to describe how I was internally is to say I was a complete mess. It was easy to put on a false face while battling in my mind.

Today I fight a different kind of battle. I know the type of life God wants me to live. I am a success because Jesus saved me. I am success because I am free. If you are fighting battles in your mind, stuck in a life of sin, or living in a state of confusion, you do not have to remain as you are. Trust God. Trust the One who has the power to set you free. He will take you from mess to success.

Be blessed.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Perfectionism. I do not think striving for perfection is bad at all, but when it starts to interfere in your life then perfection is a problem. You see, with me, I expect everything to be perfect. I allow others to make mistakes and give them room to err, but it is hard for me to get over making mistakes. You might ask yourself how can I allow others to be human and not myself. Well, I cannot answer that one for you. I think if I had the answer, I could get over this perfectionist thing quite easily. I definitely cannot fight this on my own and I have called on Jesus to help me though it. It is a battle for me, although not your typical daily battle we hear or read about in our inspirational readings or articles.

Flaws. We all have them. We see them. No one is perfect and I know this, but something deep inside tells me I must be perfect in all I do. I have gotten better in dealing with perfectionism, but I have a way to go. I know with my flaws and all, God still loves me. The idea that all saints are perfect has to go bye bye. It is not so. Perfect with maturity perhaps, but flawless, not so. Some of those who have not accepted Christ believe they must be perfect or flawless before giving their lives to Him. No, come to Him as you are, surrender to Him, and a transformation will take place. We are human. We make mistakes. It is usually through mistakes that we learn, grow, and become successful. Not only in careers and such, but successful in daily living.

As I said before, I have not completely resigned from my position as a perfectionist, but I am learning to love myself more just as I am. I will never stop striving for perfection, but I must recognize the proper balance between perfection and giving or doing my best. Beating myself up over mistakes is what should not be acceptable in my life. God designed me. He designed me for a purpose. Yes, I have flaws, but flaws and all, God still loves me. With your flaws and all, God still loves you, too.

Be blessed.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Recently, I observed photos of a woman in her 70's with a body many women might envy. She started body building in her 50’s. Keep in mind I’m many years younger, but I desire a body that looks much like the one she sports. Genes are not the cause for her physique, but much hard work and dedication. Now, if she can do it at her age, then it’s not too late for those of us who desire a similar look. It’s not too late to shape up and it’s not too late to set other goals and reach them. As long as you’re breathing, it’s not too late.

I don’t know about you, but I get a little agitated with limits society has placed, or tries to place on us. Well, I won’t say us because I’ve chosen to trust God over anything man has to say about what I can or can’t do. In the summer of 2007 I decided it was finally time to tackle one of my goals. That goal was to obtain a masters degree. So I applied that summer and enrolled for the Fall semester of the same year. Next month will be one year since I proudly walked across the stage, proving it can be done. I worked full-time and attended school full-time. Yes, it can be done. I know there are other stories of men and women, who are much older and went through more than I did to accomplish the same goal, but my point is, I made up my mind to do it and with much prayer and determination, I reached my goal.

Let’s look at this from another view. How about marriage and parenthood? Some singles reach 30 and think the chance for marriage has escaped them. A lot of this thinking comes from society which says marriage should take place during our 20’s. I’m glad I haven’t married before now. I’m over 30 and within the last couple of years I’ve found out who I am and what I want in life. If you desire marriage, don’t give up hope that it will happen one day. We’re still breathing, so it’s not too late to propose marriage or receive a marriage proposal

Articles paint a dim picture for women who become pregnant close to 40 and over. Well, I think as long as your body is able and a woman has her mind made up to birth a child, then the choice is hers to make. Why is that an age above 35 is considered too old to become a mother? Maybe 41 or 42 is the right age for some women and their circumstances. I’m not naïve to medical issues that could possibly happen in a woman’s body as she ages, but I trust what God has to say about their situation. I trust Him in my situation. I personally have my mind up as to what is too old for me when it comes to getting pregnant, but I certainly will not hold any other woman or couple to my belief on this subject.

Listen up. Continue to set goals. If you don’t set goals, maybe you should do so in order to have something to work towards in your life. Each step you make puts you closer to your goal. Each step is a step of success. Don’t let anyone define your limits. It's so important to be careful with whom you share your dreams. The world is full of dream killers. I refuse to let anyone define my success or determine who I will become or where I will go in life. Do you want a degree? Seek out colleges and apply. Do you want your own business? Start writing business plans. Do you want to travel the world? Start saving up and mapping out places you want to visit. You see where I’m going with this, don’t you?

Be blessed.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


This has to be the number one question asked when facing troubles. "Why me?" Well, this question is also often asked when God tells us to do something. I am sure most people ask Him this question because they are lazy and/or comfortable right where they are in life. They wish to remain in their present state. You know that place called the comfort zone. But, on the flip side of that, some pose the question because they cannot believe God trusts them with such tasks or assignments. Let us focus on the latter.

God will call you to do many things you do not feel capable of doing. You are ready to handle some assignments immediately. In this case, you currently possess what is necessary to fulfill such tasks. Recall the following phrase,“Wherever God guides, He provides.” So, wherever God tells you to go or do, the necessary preparation has taken place and you, my dear, are capable of doing what you have been called to do. Then there are assignments you are to complete at a later time. God will prepare you for these assignments. Yes, initially you may think you are not capable of completing the task at that time. You may be right. When you say yes to God, you must give Him all the time necessary to prepare and mold you for the assignment. It is important to recognize at the moment God calls you, does not necessarily mean you are ready for the role. Oftentimes growth has to take place first before you can move on the calling.

It took me a while to grasp the concept of being called for assignments and understanding the time needed for preparation. In the past when God called me to do something, I immediately asked, “Why me?” Next, I started making excuses why others were more suitable for the task. Now, instead of asking “Why me?’ I simply ask myself, “Why not me?”

For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. Luke 12:48 NKJV

Be blessed.

Monday, June 28, 2010


I go through times in my life when I feel the Lord does not hear me. I guess this is what is called a dry period or dry season. Who has not experienced many of those, right? I pray and pray and my prayers seem to fall on deaf ears. I go on with my normal routine, you know what I mean? I continue to go through the motions. All the while, I'm asking the Lord, "Do you hear me? How much longer must I wait? When will things change for me?" Still, no answer..... so it seems. Sometimes He speaks the most during His silence.

I do not know about you, but although He has proved Himself to me over and over again, every once in awhile, when I think He is not listening to me, I attempt to abandon my spirit of expectancy. No, I am not perfect. I strive for perfection, yet I am still human. So, the human side of me sometimes just wants to give up on expecting to receive what I have asked of the Lord. But then, out of nowhere, He moves just before I stop believing. I do not want to think of how things may have turned out if I had stopped believing. After He answers my prayers, I certainly feel guilty that I thought about giving up on Him.

He moves just before I stop believing I will receive a financial miracle. He moves just before I stop believing I will receive the phone call I have been waiting on. He moves just when I stop believing things will change on my job. The number of times the Lord has moved my behalf is endless.

I want you to know, although the Lord may not move in the timing or way you would like, does not mean He is not listening to you. It does not necessarily mean He is denying your requests. It may take time to bring answers to your questions. You can have the wrong thing at the right time or the right thing at the wrong time. He knows what is best. We simply have to trust Him. Do not give up on expecting Him to give you the righteous desires of your heart. Man disappoints, but the Lord never disappoints.

Be blessed.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I feel as though my life is in high speed these days. I've always had a good memory, but each year, that changes. I set alerts in my BlackBerry just to remind myself of the simplest things. The old Misty would be so frantic because of all that I must do, yet, having no time to do it all. The new Misty has learned to flow......with God. There's no point in getting all frantic over what has to be done each day. I just have to learn to make my time work for me. Proper time management is what I need. I refuse to get stressed about it all. I'm just flowing.....with God.

I think more people would enjoy their lives if they learned to flow with the God. Things will go a lot more smoothly if you work with Him and not fight against Him. He only wants the best for all of us and I don't know about you, but I gladly accept the best He has for me. Yeah, I know flowing with the God means stepping out of your comfort zone sometimes. It means you must go through changes. But ask yourself, "Aren't you tired of the same old thing? Aren't you tired of doing the same old thing and getting the same old results?" I AM!! I say that with two raised hands.

In this life, there are lessons to be learned. We will take many tests, but won't always pass the first time around. One sure thing is that tests, trials, tribulations, and persecutions are a definite in life. We will be bended, stretched, and molded, hopefully into all the God wants us to be, so I've learned to just flow......with the God.

Be blessed.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Many people are walking around angry or upset up over petty things. I'm guilty of letting small things of no importance upset me, but I thank God I know now that I don't have to let those things control me or my emotions. Don't get me wrong, some things are serious and do demand our attention. Some things are worthy of causing us to become angry, but for so many reasons, we should never act out of anger or hurt. The reasons for this will come in another entry at some point.

So you're angry because someone talked about you. Well, as my pastor has stated, "Before they talked about you, they had to think about you." You're on their minds. They’re thinking about you. You’ve made some sort of impact on them. Let's be honest about something. Who hasn't talked about somebody? Jesus was the topic of many discussions. He was talked about and ridiculed. As a matter of fact, people are still talking about and ridiculing Him. Hmm, something to think about, right? So they talked about you, is it really that serious? Just let it go. The Lord has a way of revealing fact from fiction and righting those things which are wrong.

Okay, so you haven't caught word that somebody is talking about you. Maybe you’re harboring grudges over something petty from a past relationship (romantic, family, friend, co-worker, etc). You must ask the Lord to help you get over those feelings. How can you have prosperous relationships carrying a baggage of negative emotions and grudges from past relationships? Whatever the baggage is, is it really that serious? Just think about it. Hand it over to the One who can make it all better. Just let it go.

There’s not enough time or space to deal with all of the things you have to let go. If you’re allowing petty things, petty emotions, and people with petty agendas to keep you angry or upset, it’s time to make some choices. Whatever it is, is it really that serious? If it is, and you can’t seem to get over it, you have to get in prayer and deal with it head on with the help of the Lord. If it isn't that serious, JUST LET IT GO.

Be blessed.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Lately, I have found myself saying, "If only I had known this. If only I had known that. If only I had done this. If only I had done that." After these thoughts flooded my mind, although for a short time, still, they flooded my mind, I believe the Lord has me right where He wants me. I have since stopped my "if" way of thinking. I have made many decisions and choices that did not meet God's approval, but things have turned around for my good and His glory. I thank God for the transformation He has made in me. I am not the only one who should thank God for transformation!

I am sure there are many reasons why the Lord has me right where He wants me. I cannot name all of those reasons. I will say this, there is no way consumed with depression, heartache, pain, and a lack of faith could I be used or positioned for the wonderful and great works He has for me to do for the kingdom of God. Oh, I will get to my desired places, but I only want to get there if the Lord is taking me there. I know if His hands are all over the things I do and set out to do, success and greatness are sure to follow.

It is easy to become frustrated because you think He has forgotten you or because things are not happening quickly. I have been there and if I am not careful, I will slip into frustration mode. You should know in the midst of your frustrations, the Lord only wants the best for you. His best includes wanting you to receive in the proper timing or in the proper season. You may think you ready are ready for something, but are you really ready? Be honest with yourself before answering this question. You may be ready, but the people involved may not be ready or in position. I know it can be difficult to keep trusting the Lord with your desires when your heart has longed for years, but you must keep trusting Him! It would be really sad for you to give up your trust in Him now, right when He is about to bring your desires to pass.

When you have prayed to the Lord, given Him complete control of your life, and allowed Him to order your steps, you just have to flow with Him. The next time you think you should be in some other position or place in life and you are truly flowing with the Lord, I think you should say to yourself, "The Lord has me right where He wants me.

Be blessed.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Have you ever made a trip to a local hospital's emergency room? Maybe you needed care or assisted someone who sought immediate medical attention. Emergency waiting rooms can be long and quite uncomfortable. Well, God's waiting room is similar to that of a hospital. In God's waiting room you may be "sitting" for an uncomfortable, extended period of time.

When God wants to do something in your life, you will usually enter into a season of waiting. Yes, the dreaded waiting room. God's waiting room is often uncomfortable because one never knows how long the wait will be, there is no sight into what is going on, there is a lack of understanding for the wait, and one loses complete control during this time. At this point, you must simply throw your hands up and say, "God, I cannot control anything. I cannot make things happen, so I have to trust You. I know You want the best for me." At least this is what I said to Him. Once I threw up my hands and accepted that I have been placed in the waiting room, I have experienced many changes and breakthroughs in my life. All of these things did not take place overnight or all at once, but they did happen. I am still waiting on some things, but the wait is not as difficult as it was at the beginning. I now know it is not about my timing, but His.

I think it is important to understand that God is at work in your life, even when your natural eyes do not show His hand at work. You may never know the reason for your season in the waiting room, but do not assume it is because you are not holy or something is spiritually wrong with you. This may be the case for some, but not necessarily true in all cases. During the wait, you cannot control what will happen, when things will happen, or how things will happen. This is good because now you must trust God. You now have to totally depend upon Him. It is easy to become worried or filled with anxiety in God's waiting room, but this means your trust is not in Him. You do not believe He is able to do what He said He will do for you.

Again, I will say the waiting room is not a comfortable place to be, but it is during this time that you are often worked on, so you can be worked through, and so that He can do what He needs to do. While you are in God's waiting room, take time to pray to Him. Stay close to Him. Trust Him. Another important thing to remember is to be still and keep waiting. Embrace your time in the waiting room. Keep a spirit of expectancy at all times while you wait. After your season of waiting, so many good gifts (spiritual and natural) will be rewarded to you. The wait will surely prepare you to receive the good things God wants to do for you and through you.

"5 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
And in His word I do hope.
6 My soul waits for the Lord
More than those who watch for the morning—
Yes, more than those who watch for the morning." Psalm 130:5,6 NKJV

Be blessed.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Can you recall the day when you asked Jesus to come into your life? Do you remember the feeling you had at the time? I can remember that day and I also remember thinking to myself, "I mean business!" At that time, I was at a low point in my life and I knew the only other way for me to go was up. I also knew the only way I could go up was with Jesus. One of my friends told me during a conversation that she used to be on fire for the Lord. She said some other things and implied the fire I had would soon burn out. Well, I am here today telling you the fire is still present.

I am by no means putting on a judge's robe and judging anyone. I will say each one of us must take a good look at ourselves and the lives we are living. Are you hot, cold, or just plain lukewarm? Some people truly live holy lives. They believe God and Christ exist and respect the fact that God does have a standard of living for us to live by. These people can be described as hot. On the flip side, there are others who reject God. They reject Jesus. They live for themselves. This group of people is described as cold. At least it is obvious where these two groups of people stand when it comes to the things of God. Many people fall into a group called lukewarm. Lukewarm means these people profess that God and Christ exist, but they live a life that is contrary to this. They straddle the fence so to speak. All of these groups can be expanded upon, but for the sake of time and typing space, I will stop here.

Each day we make a decision on how to live out the day. We have three choices. We can choose to be hot, cold, or just plain lukewarm. You are reading this blog, so I believe you can narrow your choice down to two. You can choose to be hot or lukewarm.

"15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.
16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth." Revelation 3:15, 16 NKJV

Be blessed.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Do you know someone who was overlooked for a promotion because of a negative attitude towards his/her current position? Or maybe there was a lack of loyalty or faithfulness to his/her current position. Are you that someone? I can admit, I have not always had a good attitude about the jobs I held. I was frustrated and aggravated with those jobs and quickly found a way out of by obtaining other positions.

I was later employed by a company for a lengthy period of time. My attitude was not always positive about the job and I tried my usual way of escape which was to change my position within the company or locate other employment. Nothing seemed to happen for me. My dreams for a career and my future were big and they did not include the job I held. My position did not come close to those dreams. As time grew, and as I grew spiritually, I learned to accept where I was placed. I became faithful in my job and where I was in life. More tasks and assignments were given to me and I received acts of favor I never dreamed. I became faithful in my position, which set me up for promotion. Not from man, but from God.

Faithfulness brings promotion. You should not expect to be promoted when you are unfaithful and ungrateful. Respect the authority figures placed over you, even when you do not agree with their decisions. Pray they will make decisions after seeking God first. Make the choice to give your best in your job and to allow your talents to develop in your current jobs. I know your dreams may seem lost when you are not working in your desired career, but you must keep trusting God, keep your dreams alive, and expect God to take you new levels in your life because of your faithfulness.

"Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. " Matthew 25:23 NKJV

Be blessed.

Friday, April 30, 2010


If you are anything like me, you may find it very hard to relinquish control at times. I must admit, I am a perfectionist. In my mind, to make sure everything is done right, means I must do things on my own or in my own power. Well, this is not a good thing in most cases. At many times in our lives, we must learn to place our trust in others. Trusting someone is not always an easy thing to do. It is a lack of trust that causes many people to hold on or hold back on things. A lack of trust also keeps one from totally surrendering to God.

It can be hard to let go of control over your life. When you are in control, you can make decisions based on how or what you feel. When you give your life over to God and totally surrender to Him, you are letting Him become your Guide. What I mean by this is that your decisions are not your own. If you have surrendered to God and allow Him to guide you in life, you want to please Him and live according to His word. For example, you may want go right, but He may say, "Go left." You might want to speak, but He may say, "Stay quiet." He will often lead you to unknown places and to unfamiliar people. To follow God, takes trust in Him. I know all about having to have or see proof before moving. Getting to a place of trusting God did not happen overnight for me. Little by little I used small steps of faith and learned to trust Him in the small things. Now I trust Him in all things.

God wants to mold you into the person He has called you to be. In order to do this, you have to relinquish control. Let Him be in control of your life. We are all works in progress and at some time or another, may find ourselves trying to do things in our power. Many times we are taking on assignments we are not to meant to handle, simply because we are control freaks. Why not seek guidance from the One who knows all things? Why not trust Him with your life? After all, He has the best for you and will never guide you in the wrong direction

Things are not going the way I want them to in my life. I have gone through each day trying to do things in my own power and in my own way. I have failed to let go and give you complete control of my life. I want to do the things you want me to do. I want those things you desire for me to have in my life. I trust You and I do know You want what is best for me. Forgive me for not letting you guide my steps.

Father, help me to be who You want me to be. Help me to do what You want me to do. I am letting go now and I am giving You complete control.

Be blessed.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


In the past, I found myself trying to figure out reasons to explain why certain people I was once close to, were removed from my life. We had no arguments, no harsh words were spoken between us, and no obvious reason exists for the lack of communication that caused the relationships to dwindle away. Now that I have grown spiritually, I have come to learn the role each person plays in my life. Each of us plays a role in the life of someone else. Once you come to recognize the purpose a person plays in your life, you will understand and know exactly what to do when this happens. It makes the exit of a friend, or someone that once played an important role in your life, easier.

Speaking from personal experience, I know God has removed some people from my life because they would be a distraction or hindrance to my spiritual growth. I am not saying these people were bad, but they did not add to my spiritual growth. Let us look at past romantic-type relationships as an example. I can look back at each one (and there has only been three in my lifetime) and the fact that they ended without no real cause. At the time, I wondered how something that seemed so right quickly could go so wrong. But now, I recognize God had a hand in all of it and these men, although good men, were not the type of people who would influence me to go to a higher level in the Lord. I know God has given us the freedom to make our own choices, but I like to believe He removed them from my life for my good and His glory.

Many people are being ushered in and out of my life right now, but I trust God. My constant prayer to Him is to remove anyone or anything which could be a hindrance in my life. Those who go, I do not question their exit. Those who remain, I know their time with me is for a season, reason, or a lifetime. I trust they remain in my life because each has a role to play in my work for the kingdom of God. I know they are not necessarily present in my life to help me in the literal sense of the word, but I may have an assignment from my Father and I must do what He has told me to do. If and when they exit my life, I can rest knowing my assignment and season with them is completed.

The next time you find yourself questioning the exit of a friend or loved one, seek our Father for instructions and answers. You may find those people were removed so that you can move.......higher in your calling for the kingdom of God and your spiritual journey.

Be blessed.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Our society has been labeled "a microwave society" for good reason. We do not like to wait for anything. We can get a hot meal in less than five minutes. We can send a message across the country, or the world, at the push of a few buttons. We can deposit cash into an ATM and the funds are instantly available in our checking accounts for immediate withdrawal. These are just a few examples of how the world has changed to accommodate the attitudes of the people. People want what they want and they want it now. In other words, there is a lack of patience among the people. Although we may not have to wait long at a drive thru window for a meal, at the ATM for cash, or to send a message, when waiting on God to answer prayers or give us righteous desires of our hearts, a wait is often involved.

God moves in any way, through anyone, and at anytime. If He chooses to bring a thing to pass instantly, so it shall be. Many times when we pray to Him for the desires of our hearts, a waiting process is involved. I cannot give you a specific answer for your wait, but through personal experience, I have found rewards in my waiting. Preparation is one reward of waiting on God to answer prayers. Yes, it may be hard to wait for answers to our prayers, but being prepared to receive the answer is important. I am sure you can think back on a time when you asked God for something, but did not receive it when you wanted it, but later, you were thankful for the delay. Many times we are not ready for the very things we ask of Him. I am thankful God did not give me everything I wanted when I wanted it.

Waiting caused an increase in my faith and dependence on God. In some cases, I waited for years. I felt like giving up many times, but my strength grew and I pressed on. I am presently waiting on Him to bring desires of my heart to pass, but I trust Him and His timing. I constantly reflect on how He has delivered on other promises made to me. Because He was faithful to me then, there is no reason for me to doubt His faithfulness now. If you take a moment to reflect on your life, I am sure you can recall when He did the same for you.

"But those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

Be blessed.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Have you ever asked the Lord, “Why is it that I live holy and sacrifice so much, yet it seems as if those who care nothing for You and plot wicked schemes to get what they want are getting blessed?” I have asked the Lord this many times. You must know one thing. Things are not always what they appear to be.

When it comes to blessings, we must first understand we have no say in how the Lord chooses to bless another person, so we should never become envious or jealous of others who are blessed. In fact, we should rejoice for others who are in their due season of reaping their blessings. Just remember, your due season is also sure to come. I know you are saying, “Okay, that’s good for those who accept Christ and try to live a life pleasing to the Lord, but why are evildoers, those workers of iniquity, reaping blessings?"

It is easy to become angry, bitter, or jealous over those who live a life of sin and have no care for the Lord or what He commands of us. But to answer the question about workers of iniquity reaping blessings, one must ask, "Are they always truly reaping blessings from God?" Evildoers prosper in their own way. I do not know about you, but I desire true blessings from my Father. I have no interest in plotting evil schemes to get what I want in life. I love God and I trust Him. Whenever thoughts flood my mind about what I see happening in the lives of evildoers, I think on the following scripture:
"1 Do not fret because of evildoers,
Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity.
2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass,
And wither as the green herb." Psalm 37:1,2 NKJV

In verse one, we are instructed not to worry ourselves, become discontent, or annoyed because of evildoers, nor become jealous of the workers of iniquity. Many people choose to do wrong to themselves and to the people of God, but we should not be consumed with their works of iniquity. We should not allow them to destroy the joy in our lives. Do not misunderstand me, we are to care for their souls and pray for them, but praying for their souls is different from fretting over them.

In verse two, God’s word tells us the destruction of the workers of iniquity will be fast, sudden, and sure. Just as grass is cut down and withers away, so shall be the fate of evildoers. So you see, death is the result of the workers of iniquity, why should you envy those whose end is death? God’s people are promised an everlasting life. Stop envying the flesh, and keep your faith, trust, and eyes fixed on your heavenly rewards.

Be blessed.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


The Lord guided me to Matthew 14:22-33 to give this timely message. In this scripture, Jesus sent His disciples out on a boat ahead of Him while He sent the multitudes away and later went up to the mountain for alone time. When Jesus made His way back to the boat, which was being tossed back and forth in the middle of the sea, Jesus walked on the water and the disciples thought they were looking at a ghost. After he saw Jesus walking on the water, Peter asked Jesus to command him out of the boat to prove He is the Son of God. Jesus told Peter to come out of the boat. Peter began to walk on the water towards Jesus, but allowed the fierce winds to shake his faith that he could make it to Jesus. He took His focus off of Jesus and focused on the troubled water; therefore, he began to sink. Peter called out to Jesus to save him, so Jesus stretched out His hand to catch him before he sank. Jesus asked Peter, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

I liken this story to the lives of many Christians today. We are told many times throughout the word of God to trust in Him. We have seen the hand of the Lord move in our lives and have called on Him to meet great needs, yet, when we call on Him and are ordered to step out of the boat, some of us take our eyes off of Him and lose trust in Him. You begin to focus on your troubles and then start doubting Him, His word, and what He can do for you. It is easy to trust Jesus when things are going good in your life, but the moment you need His help, you call, but lose trust when He requires you to trust and depend totally upon Him.

During these times in the lives of God's people, Jesus still reaches out His hand and helps us out of mighty storms and troubled waters. I cannot help but think that in these moments, Jesus shakes His head and asks, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"

"And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, 'O you of little faith, why did you doubt?' Matthew 14:31 NKJV

Be blessed.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I can recall days in which I prayed to my Father and asked Him to speak to me. It took time for me to realize He does speak, but I had to surrender my own ideas of how He should speak to me. I missed Him many times because I chose to turn off my ears to anything that was not like my method of choice. I can say that is the problem with most folks today. They pray to Him and He does speak, but they are not listening. In other words, they are placing limits on who God is and how He works.

Praying to God is a way of communicating with Him. Prayer with Him is like any other conversation we have with a friend, family, or anyone else. The normal flow of conversation is one speaks as the other listens. The same formula applies when speaking with God. God is not limited in the way He speaks to and answers us. His response may not be immediate or in the way we choose for Him to communicate. This is where patience and trust must be exercised.

I have experienced many ways in which God has spoken to me. Dreams are a frequent way in which He has chosen to speak to me. He commonly speaks through His word, my thoughts, and sends messages through other people. The methods mentioned are not the only ways He has chosen to speak to me, but I want you to have an idea of some of the ways He chooses to speak to us.

God is speaking to you, are you listening? Let go of any preconceived ideas you have about how He will speak to you. Shut out the busyness and noise around you. Be open to the unlimited ways He chooses to speak.

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me."  Revelation 3:20 NKJV

Be blessed.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Many times we find ourselves setting goals, dreaming our biggest dreams, only to find we have come to place called stuck. Often, this place is caused by our own actions or way of thinking. One of the main reasons so many people become stuck in life is because they keep looking back to the past. The past can hold such treasures and pleasurable moments, yet it may be filled with hurt, pain, and so many other negative emotions. This is not to say that reflecting on your past is always a bad thing, but dwelling on the past and keeping your mind there and allowing it to hinder you spiritually, emotionally, and physically is not a good thing.

The Lord says in Isaiah 43:18,19: "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you know know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." NKJV. The Lord wants to do a new thing in your life. Do you not know this? He will make a way out of no way. He will cause closed doors to open. He will create new loving relationships in your life. He will cause those dreams you have given up on to come to life. Some things may be too big for you, but there is nothing too big for the Lord.

When you look back on the past, you may see closed doors on romance. Yes, that old relationship was bad. It left you emotionally and maybe physically scarred. The Lord wants to heal you from that old relationship and cause new relationships to flourish. Do you not know it? Looking in your past, you see the dreams you once had and all of the obstacles and fears that caused you to let them die. The Lord can breathe on those dreams and give them life again. Do you not know it? The list of the former things you are holding on to that are stunting your growth may be endless. If you allow Him to, the Lord will do a new thing in your life. You cannot move forward if you keep looking back. Say good bye to the past and leave it in its place.. the past. Stretch forth your arms to embrace the new thing coming your way and look forward to your future.

"Lord, help me release the past and look to the future. You want to do a new thing in my life, but I find myself holding on to the past and not embracing the things you want to do in me, for me, and through me. Help me to close the door on the past, and open the door to the future. Amen."

Be blessed.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I often think of the dreams I held as a small child. Now that I am a young woman, the dreaming has not ceased. I still possess some of those same dreams. As a matter of fact, my dreams have become much larger. I have learned the process of setting goals is a necessary task in order for me to reach my desired dreams and living out my destiny.

Our dreams are often too big for any of us to achieve in our own power, but thank God for His power. He gives us the strength and power we need to make our dreams come true. Setting goals and accomplishing them requires great faith, patience, and endurance. No matter how dim your future looks or how long you have been waiting on the promises of God to come to pass in your life, you must keep your faith. Do not get caught up with how things look in the natural, but hold firm to the promises made to you. Hold on to your hopes and dreams. There will be times in which you cannot see how your dreams will come to fruition. It is during those times when you must continue to speak positive words of life into those situations which appear lifeless.

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) NKJV

Be blessed.