Monday, April 25, 2011


It is not written that every day in your spiritual journey will be easy. In fact, it sometimes may feel as though you are on a rollercoaster ride. You may find one day you are full of joy because of the love of Jesus and the next day so down in the dumps. What is scary about this kind of thing is sometimes you do not immediately recognize the cause of such extremes. You give in and stay down in the dumps. Maybe you cannot find your way out because you accepted lies the enemy has planted in your mind. Maybe you feel comfortable because you have been in this place before. You have allowed the enemy to sideline you or put you in timeout. My friend, if you are in that place right now, it is time you get back in the game.

The feelings you have might not be so easy to overcome, especially after you have accepted them for so long. Ask Jesus for help. Ask Him to help you overcome what you are feeling. Be completely honest with Jesus when you speak to Him. After all, He knows what you are going through, but still, He wants you to communicate it to Him. You will receive such peace when you just give it all over to Jesus. Let Him work it out for you. After you give it over, do not pick it up again. Focus on the Word of God and what He says about your situation and trust Him to do just what He said He will do. Meditate on His Word.

So you had a timeout. Now get back in the game. Let the enemy know you are in it to win it.

Be blessed.


  1. Misty, this post blessed me. So many times we believe we are all alone because people don't "know" or may not care. But God knows all about our struggles and pain and He is there. He truly does stick closer than a brother (or sister. I came over from your link on Twitter, Thanks for following me. The site will bless many women. I pray God's blessings as you continue to minister via your blog.I've been blogging since Nov. 2010. My blog address is Blessings!

  2. Thank you very much. I will check out your site. :)

    Oh yes, the enemy can fool us into thinking we're in it alone. I thank God for His Word, for His truth.
