When you are going through the motions of everyday life, it is sometimes hard to think change will come your way. No matter what changes you make or try to make, nothing seems to work in your favor. You see friends and loved ones getting blessed. You see their dreams and desires being fulfilled. You cannot help but ask, "Lord, when? What about me?" Or maybe you do not ask those questions. Maybe you are tempted to throw in the towel.
It can be hard and sometimes frustrating to trust there is more going on than what you see. Do not lose hope. Some people give up because today looks like yesterday. Others give up because things are not happening according to their timetable but the Lord's timing. If only they knew what the Lord is doing, I do not think giving up would be an option.
You have to look beyond what you see with your natural eyes. Looking beyond what you see means although today looks like yesterday, you see a change today. Looking beyond what you see means the checking account shows a zero balance but you see a cash overflow. Looking beyond what you see means you are unemployed, but you see yourself employed. Looking beyond what you see means your child is misbehaving but you see him well mannered in all situations. Looking beyond what you see means you have loved ones who are not saved, but you see them saved. Looking beyond what you see means you have undesired results but you see desired results.
Begin to look beyond what you see. Not only look beyond what you see, but speak in a way you desire things to be. Do this and watch amazing things begin to transform and take place in your life.
Be blessed.
With the Lord Jesus first in all things and acknowledging him in all your ways you will be blessed