Sunday, February 26, 2012


In a day, you hear, see, and read a lot, but of those things, what are you choosing to absorb? What do you dwell on? If you are not careful, you will hang on to the negative stuff. You will ignore what is positive and believe the negative things around you. By holding on to negative things, you are opting to clutter your mind with mess. It is time to remove the mess from your mind.

Rid yourself of the lies Satan has whispered in your ear and replace them with the God's truth. Pick up and read the Word of God. Meditate on and believe His Word. Instead of dwelling on Satan's lies, replay God's truth over and over in your mind. Do it until it is firmly planted in your mind. Do these things and you will experience amazing changes in your life.

Be blessed.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


As you look around on this day, you’re certain to see flowers, cards, and candy. Let’s not forget the diamonds, marriage proposals, and romantic dinners and conversations. These expressions of love are great to see. I love to be loved, to see love, and to give love. But today, I want to remind you of the One who truly loves you.

God loves you. His love trumps all others. There are different kinds of love and when it comes to man, it changes. God's love isn’t fickle. You don’t have to earn His love nor can you stop Him from loving you.

If you’re not feeling the love today or even if you’re feeling it, just remember the great love God has for you. He sent His son Jesus to make the ultimate sacrifice for us. And today, He continues to prove His love over and over again.

No matter what you're feeling today, God loves you. You're loved every day.

Be blessed.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


God has the power to do all things. He turns impossibilities into possibilities. God is everything we need Him to be. He is an unlimited God who moves in unlimited ways.

God has proven His love and power over and over again, yet some still choose to place limits on Him. Some believers, for various reason, do not think God is capable of doing what needs to be done. They limit God by their limited thinking and limited actions. Maybe a lack of knowledge keeps them from recognizing and understanding God is much bigger than any circumstance, problem, or dream.

There is nothing you cannot take to God. He is able to do more than you can imagine. He will do exactly what He said He will do. God is a God of limitless possibilities and all you need to do is trust Him.

But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Be blessed.