Thursday, November 17, 2011


Have you lost your joy and your peace? Is your mind focused on a problem you cannot seem to solve? Redirect your focus. Focus on God. He is the Problem Solver. God is bigger and greater than any problem you will ever face.

We cannot escape problems or troubling times. In this journey of life, one day everything is just fine and then in what seems like a blink of an eye, something happens to overtake or overwhelm us, if we let it. Most of us will reach out to others and/or try to figure out a solution on our own before seeking the One who has all of the power and the answers. It is true we have friends, family, and other counsel who are available and often placed in our paths to assist us, but we must make God our first point of contact when problems come our way. He will direct our paths and guide us to the appropriate people, places, and things at the appropriate time.

Do not allow problems to overwhelm or consume you. Do not let them cause you to lose your peace and joy. If you know God is your Source and that He will never leave you, disappoint you, or hold back on His promises to you, the problems you face should never be greater than His power in your life. Remember, God is bigger and greater than any problem you will ever face.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1 KJV

Be blessed.

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